Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I was so happy when I found out we could miss an hour of Mr whatever, cause we had to do some Hong Kong thing. The whole time I was under the impression that it was some talk about Hong Kong. Turns out its some fucking PRIMARY SCHOOL TEST. It was some english test, where we had to take data from some big chunk of research on robotics of all things, and turn it into a letter. I haven't done letter writing in a few thousand years also you know. And the english was so utterly terrible in all the data given. Like what kind of english test is this. And it was oh so long too. Bitch cracked me up with the I am Terry Lau thing though. Funny Funny.

Two weeks notice is a dumb show.

I'm getting mentally prepared for backlash from barely doing anything for i learn. Yikes.

Rubbish-ness abound.

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